Like That
by Ann Minoff
Ann Minoff

Ann Minoff graduated from New York University with a degree in philosophy and continued her education at the National College of Chiropractic in Illinois. She received her Doctorate of Chiropractic in 1982. She currently teaches Yoga and classes on Kabbalah. Her work is forthcoming or has been published in The Alembic, The Distillery, The Literary Review, Lullwater Review, Nimrod, Porcupine, Quiddity Literary Journal, and Sacred Journey: Journal of Fellowship in Prayer.

my mother's afraid of apples and long narrow ferns
she's frightened of chestnut trees and yellow begonias
she's terrified her body will just stop
and of course it will
death is like that

she cannot always hear me when I speak
sometimes she kisses my hand
while her eyes torn and narrow
watch me like a shriveled bird
a broken fence
a dog without her tail

I don't remember loving her
as a child nor her loving me
now I am glad
to sit and hold her close
time is like that

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